A few weeks ago this beautiful painting was decorating the foyer of our church for our Stake Christmas Fireside. What amazing talent we have in our stake and especially our ward! Amazing!
This painting touched me deeply, the beauty, the simplicity, and the bow! I love the bow! It reminds me of the precious gift the birth of a tiny infant brought to us all, the hope it gave to all mankind and the perfect example this baby grew to be.
Last night we watched the movie The Nativity and I was deeply moved by the way it portrayed the birth of our Savior. I love how in the movie pregnant Mary asked Joseph if he ever wondered when it would happen that Jesus wouldn't be just any baby, that it would be apparent to others that he was the Savior for all mankind. How great that their speculation was answered even before His birth. It shouldn't be surprising to those who have felt the powerful influence of the Holy Ghost that some were given this powerful revelation. What a gift! The Nativity is a beautiful movie. Very thought provoking, spiritual and a perfect way to spend part of Christmas!
The other message that touched me in a personal way was that of love. Loving others, it's not always easy is it? Sometimes it's not at all like we expected it to be, or perhaps it takes extra effort. In the movie The Nativity, Joseph loves Mary. Mary was young and was taken by surprise when she was betrothed to Joseph. She did not love Joseph; she did not know him. She wasn't the happiest of brides; you could tell it wasn't her plan for herself. In the movie, it shows Joseph, loving Joseph, making so many sacrifices for Mary and the child she was carrying. It was moving to watch the change in Mary. She learned to love Joseph, and couldn't be happier with any other man she may have chosen for herself. You know, sometimes God knows more. God can change hearts, heal hearts, help us love others and learn from others. One thing Mary's character in the movie portrayed was deep faith. Faith in following God's plan even though it was the scariest thing ever. I love Joseph and Mary more after seeing this movie. Yes, I know it's not THE EXACT way things happened, but my heart tells me that much of it is. I am so grateful for Joseph and Mary and their commitment to God that led them to do His will of bringing His Only Begotten Son to earth! I am so grateful for that sweet baby, Jesus, and the man he grew to become. Grateful for His sacrifices and his love for us!
Merry Christmas to all my family and friends!! May our Savior's love be in your homes and his loving guidance watch over you!
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