I love Jared's sense of humor and that he dislikes cliff-hangers. It usually takes some convincing to begin a particular book, but once a few chapters in he is hooked and is often begging for longer reading sessions.
Caitlin is my bookworm. She has loved books from the beginning. She used to stack them so high in her doll buggy that they toppled over. She'd push them from room to room. Her prized possessions. She'd also line them up in rows, filling the family room floor with books. When it was reading time (an all day, off and on again event), I would tell her to pick a book and she'd pick ten.
Jared, is fussy. He judges books by their covers and nothing ever sounds worthy of his time. Usually I insist on a particular book, and he doesn't get excited about it until we are several pages in. SIGH.
Wednesday I took him to the library and he selected non-fiction books about animals. He taught me everything I'd want to know about penguins, LOL! I browsed the children's section of the library... looking at the picture books and remembering the fun I had reading those to the kids. I miss reading them their favorite stories. Caitlin's favorite was Dr. Seuss' ABC's. In fact she wore out her first copy and I had to buy another one because her book would fall apart when you opened it. I would read that book in a fun sing-song voice. She learned he letters before age 2 and she could read at age 3- 1/2. Jared, liked Brown Bear, Brown Bear (What do you see?). I had my favorites too. I'll have to make a separate post about them, there are too many.
Although Jared is plenty big enough and capable of reading on his own, I'm so glad I can still share this special time with him. Last night I was looking at his long big feet and thinking how much longer can it last? I'm totally going to take advantage of this summer and read lots more with him.
Our latest reads include:
Ranger's Apprentice by John Flanagan
Room One by Andrew Clements
Happy Reading!